Eamon & Quinn Costello
The Year Eamon Becomes a Big Brother
12.07 Wherein Eamon and Quinn celebrate Christmas
11.07 In which Eamon and Quinn get to know each other better, take in JaJa's Bball game, and make a visit to Mt. Pleasant to see Santa
9.07-10.07 UPDATED -- to include apple picking, pumpkin lifting and a trip to see Devin, along with Eamon getting Quinn to smile and a visit from the Orielenses.
8.07 In which cousin Devin comes to visit.
7.07 Quinn's frist week in which he hangs with Nana et al, and Eamon forges into big brother territory
7.8.07 Welcome to the world Quinn Mulligan Costello
6.07 Eamon meets new cousin Ari for the first time. WARNING: This here link brings you to a whole lot of Costello Eckhardt shots!
6.07 In which Eamon's parents watch Max and Suzie do some marryin'
5.07 Wherein Eamon takes in the Sunday Globe, visits with Baby Annie, and checks some dinosaurs.
4.07 In which our hero spends a week in Albany with the cousins, celebrates Joshua's birthday and plays on Easter.
3.07 Wherein Eamon enjoys a marathon celebration of his birth-- from a quadruple grandparent eclipse to Toms to daycare pals to RoCo/CoCo, and some dinosaurs thrown in for good measure
2.07 In which Nana crosses the Berkshires for Eamontime and we take far too many pictures of fun in the snow.
1.07 Mame visits Meffa for #85 -- then our hero visits the Lowell Memorial Auditorium for Close Encounters with Bert & Ernie. See also the movie page.